Wednesday, 21 January 2015


Growing up, I hated stepping foot into the kitchen, except for stealing lumps of jaggery and stuffing spoonfuls of Complan and Boost into my mouth when mum wasn't looking. I never ever thought I'd ever like cooking. But well, turns out, I actually do! I'm not fantastic at it, but I love the process for making a complete dish. The aromas, the procedures, the subtleties that can completely make or break a dish...I love it all. I don't cook very frequently, but I really enjoy trying out new stuff. I'm a vegetarian for most parts - I do make and have omelettes (I hate the "clever" word eggetarian - why does one need categories all the time? OK, I know why, but still...) and very rarely some seafood, but mostly still a vegetarian. I bake without eggs and don't cook meat, fish or otherwise. Anyway, so this is just going to be a food journal of sorts - places I've eaten at, dishes I've loved, food I've cooked and the baking I've done.
I'm going to bake a tea cake this evening. As in, a cake with tea in it, not a cake to be eaten with your tea. Well, you could do that too with it if you wanted to, I wouldn't stop you. Later!